
Serializer Objects

class Serializer(SerializerBase, metaclass=SerializerMeta)

Serializer` is used as a base for custom serializers.

The Serializer class is also a subclass of Field, and can be used as a Field to create nested schemas. A serializer is defined by subclassing Serializer and adding each Field as a class variable:


class FooSerializer(Serializer):
    foo = Field()
    bar = Field()

foo = Foo(foo='hello', bar=5)
# {'foo': 'hello', 'bar': 5}


  • instance: The object or objects to serialize.
  • many (bool): If instance is a collection of objects, set many to True to serialize to a list.
  • context (dict): Currently unused parameter for compatability with Django REST Framework serializers. you can manually pass the context in and use it on the functions like as a runtime attribute


The default getter used if :meth:Field.as_getter returns None.


def data() -> Dict

Get the serialized data from the Serializer.

The data will be cached for future accesses.


def to_schema(cls: SerializerMeta, many: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) -> openapi.Response:

Convert Serializer to openapi.Schema

DictSerializer Objects

class DictSerializer(Serializer)

DictSerializer serializes python dicts instead of objects.

Instead of the serializer's fields fetching data using operator.attrgetter, DictSerializer uses operator.itemgetter.


class FooSerializer(DictSerializer):
foo = IntField()
bar = FloatField()

foo = {'foo': '5', 'bar': '2.2'}
# {'foo': 5, 'bar': 2.2}